
Advisory Services

Information Technology Audit & Advisory Services

Information Technology (IT) is becoming increasingly important to the business strategy, operations and internal audit of most organizations today. An increased dependency on technology to deliver meaningful benefits to an organization can raise additional issues of security, integrity and control. At HTP, we understand how vital it is to manage these business and regulatory concerns. Our IT Audit & Risk Advisory Services Group can help protect your organization’s information systems, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and provide insights to leverage IT controls to reduce costs and gain competitive advantage.

Our IT assurance professionals have many years of IT control and audit experience which is complemented by professional accreditations, such as Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified in Risk & Information System Controls (CRISC), Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) and Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) and affiliations, including membership in the Information Systems Auditing and Control Association (ISACA).

Through our IT Audit Service Group, HTP can assist clients with a full spectrum of IT assurance services, including technical, operational and security audits. Areas of review include:

The integrity of information management and delivery is mission-critical to the stability of each client’s business. Our IT assurance professionals can identify, evaluate and recommend solutions to mitigate system vulnerabilities and leverage operational efficiencies across a wide range of service offerings.

IT Audit Services

IT Security Review

Information System Management


ISO Certification

ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Certification

ISO 9001 help organisations become structured and efficient...

ISO 14001 Certification

It assure stakeholders that your environmental management system (EMS) meets international industry...

OHSAS 18001 Certification

Reduce the risk of accidents and any breach in legal requirements...

ISO 20000:2011 Certification (ITSM)

Aligned to the Version 3 of the popular ITIL (Information Technology Information Library) framework...

ISO 27001 Certification

Information is a valuable asset that can make or break your business...

ISO 22301:2012- Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)

Prescribes structure of all current and future management system standards (MSS)...